Bob Marley once quoted, “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”- I felt that. Often, we find ourselves lost in the waves of music: the lyrical content, the harmonious melodies. Without a doubt, music is definitely one of the most beautiful forms of art. However, it can take our eyes off of the very thing that is beautiful: God.
As the Glow Up, Sister teens, we challenged ourselves to dedicate this month of January to no secular music. The secular music that has become an idol to some, a friend to others, but a danger to all. There was hesitation in the beginning, but we came around in the end.
The first week was great, we were thriving and playlists were growing. Whilst some discovered new gospel songs and artists, others rediscovered them, unlocking parts of their childhood memories. As the days went by, however, we stumbled a bit here and there. But we got back up because one thing about the Glow Up, Sister teens is we WILL keep each other accountable!
Some days were better than others and temptations were being thrown at us left, right and centre. Though it was not easy, it was worth it- and plus, what’s a challenge without obstacles? So, to ensure you don’t lose focus, here are a couple of tips that you can use to stay on track when fasting from secular music.
Tips to stay on track:
Prayer- what better tool is there to overcome temptation than to pray?
Read your bible sis! It is always important to stay rooted in God’s Word because you never know what the anymore will use against you.
Have someone to hold you accountable. Keeping yourself accountable may be tricky, especially if you know your capabilities of falling into temptation- have someone who’ll help you with that. We’re all in this together!
Stay away from whatever may tempt you to fall back into listening to secular music, such as social media apps (e.g. TikTok, Instagram) or movies that promote secular music, etc.
Discover gospel music. If you’re someone who loves listening to music (like myself), you don’t have to let it go just because secular music is not an option- there are countless gospel artists out there with amazing masterpieces, check them out!
Always remember the reason why you’re fasting. Regularly remind yourself what made you start fasting from secular music in the first place. Knowing where you’re coming from will give you even more of a motive to get to where you want to be.
It’s not going to be an easy ride, but it won’t be something you can’t handle. No Secular January has been a challenge and a lesson. We’re now ready to take on the next focus. So, with that being said, No Takeaway February (and No Meat February) ... bring it on! Moving from glory to glory is what we’ll be doing all year round. No sister gets left behind!