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Grieve with Grace: How Do I Move On?

Hey sister,

You may have noticed that I haven’t checked in in a while. Usually, that means I’m going through something worth sharing as soon as I’m able to grow through it. The past few weeks have been challenging to say the least. Receiving earth-shattering news about someone dear to me, and losing a loved one all in two weeks was almost enough to take me out. Yet and still, when it feels like I shouldn’t have a reason to smile, God has given me a peace that surpasses all understanding. You know like the Cody Carnes and Chandler Moore song, ‘I’ve still got joy in chaos, I’ve got peace that makes no sense’.

In my adult life, I am blessed to say that this is my first time experiencing the death of someone close to me and coming to grips with what that looks like. Grieving is never easy—and there is no playbook on how one must grieve. In honouring your loved one, remembering them, coming to terms with the reality that their physical body has left the earth, and allowing yourself to feel the sadness, you eventually reach a place of closure.

It may be a relationship, a situation, a dream that you had for yourself, an idealistic life that you thought you’d be living, an opportunity that you missed out on, or where you thought you would be at this point in your life. Whatever it is, if you know holding on to it is holding you back from the next dimension God wants to bring you to, it’s time to let it go.

In releasing it, you are entitled to go through your stages of grief. Allow yourself to feel whatever emotion is connected to what you are releasing. Feel it for as long as you have to, just don’t let yourself stay there. Give yourself grace, and understand that no one day will be the same, you’ll have good days and bad ones. As long as you wake up every day and commit to the process you will reach the point of closure.

Be encouraged in knowing that what may feel like you’re going through alone, and you’re grieving alone isn’t your reality. You’re not going through alone when you have a Heavenly Father whose word says you should go to him when you are weary, burdened, or heavy laden, and He will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). He’s right there with you. To sit in it with you. I once heard someone say God is such a good God because He doesn’t just watch you go through painful experiences from high up on His throne. He gets down in the trenches with you. You may go through a storm, but He walks through it with you. He’s there to pick you up, dry your tears, and dust you off. When you finally emerge, after grieving, you make room for a new season. A new version of you. The endless opportunities on this side.

So sis, just hold on… glory is to come.

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