Selah. That is our theme for this year. Selah meaning to pause, to wait, to rest. As someone who is constantly worrying about the next move in life, I never thought that I’d have this be my personal theme for the year. However, this vision board party allowed me to look at things differently.
What an event! To say it was amazing is an understatement. To say it was fantastic is also an understatement. I don’t have the right words to fully express how eye-opening this vision board party was. Was I prepared to receive what was shared that day? No. Not at all. Was I astonished at what I received that day? Yes. Yes I was. For my first time attending a vision board party, hosted by Glow Up, Sister, I can gladly say that it was a great experience.
On a Saturday morning, though it was a bit chilly, I made my way to South Croydon for the vision board party. As soon as I arrived at the venue, with excitement, I hurried to see where exactly it was taking place. Fixing my gaze upon the area, I could only describe it in one word- wow. Decor hadn’t even begun to take place, yet I stood there for a good minute in awe. I would’ve stood a bit longer, but I had to snap myself back into the zone and start help setting up. The way the decor came out was beautiful all thanks to the amazing DVK Lifestyles Collection! She really worked her magic!
Once everything was set and up, the girlies started coming in and found their way to their seats. Now that everyone was settled, our lovely host ushered us into the program giving a warm welcoming to the guests and guest speakers. Within no time, we were introduced to our first speaker, Mrs. Chitapa, who talked us through how we must bring life to our vision by planning it, executing it and having the right mindset in keeping it alive. From what she spoke about, I would say my main takeaway was the importance of having the right attitude when it comes to being persistent in executing the vision and being consistent in keeping it alive.
Next, we had Consuela Esseboom, a psychologist and keynote speaker. Key notes were definitely taken from this segment I tell you. She talked to us about uplifting our faith in situations that seemed impossible to come out of or to get in and gave us a statement to run with throughout her segment- just because it hasn’t been seen before does not mean that it cannot be done. Quiet 'hmmmm's' were released from the audience in agreement with this statement. Consuela went in depth in giving us examples and scenarios from the bible such as the story of Abraham and Sarah (his wife) being told they were going to have a child at old age--it seemed impossible but God showed up and showed out for them (like the God that He is). It was a wonderful segment and all I can say is, “Selah, say less”.
After her talk, as we waited to be served lunch, the ladies began networking. It was all just heartwarming seeing a community of women getting together in unity having a great time- and eating good food of course. So, after a good, few minutes of socializing, the great Jikoni team began to dish out the takeaway boxes. When we saw that everything was set and ready to be collected, we made our way to go grab a box and a drink and went to sit back down in our seats. I took a moment to appreciate the delicious course that was in front of me because I knew I was going to be in for a treat...and I surely was. The bite was too good that I took myself to the kitchen to get seconds, we listen and we don’t judge. The Jikoni team fed us and fed us well.
After some time of more networking over the lunch, it was time to proceed with the program. This next segment was the segment we had all been waiting for- the vision board workshop! We were led through this workshop by our very own who was hosting the event, Sharon Leah (a psychologist and vision board coach). She came through with a WORD and shared with us the importance of Selah; to intentionally devote time to pausing and resting! This woman addressed the elephant in the room, which was burning out. Burning out because of overworking ourselves, overstraining ourselves and overtiring ourselves. She left us widening our eyes in shock and slowly nodding our heads in agreement- someone had to say it. “The goal is for me to be able to perform at my optimum” is one of the many wise phrases she mentioned that day.
Following her last sentence, it was now time to start creating our vision boards. However, before doing so, Mrs. Chitapa and Annatoria kindly showed us theirs for inspiration. Now with that bit of inspiration, I got right to it. Whilst going around looking for more to add to my board, I took a few glances here and there and it was all fantastic, it was interesting to see the different types of visions each of us all had. To me it wasn’t about adding whatever I could grab my hands on, but it was about being intentional and realistic with my vision. Creating the vision board itself was amazing because it was, yet again, another chance to socialize. The more I saw others’ vision boards, the more inspiration I had to add onto mine. I must say that my vision came out better than I expected.
Lastly, we had our final guest speaker, Harriet Chunu-Mclatchey, a certified Style Coach and Stylist, and she told us the beauty behind expressing ourselves through style of dressing. Because I am someone who is intrigued in fashion, I enjoyed this segment a lot as it helped me see that there is a meaning behind every sense of fashion. Not only did she show us examples of women (like Sarah Jakes Robert or Tracee Ellis Ross) who express themselves through their style of dressing; she also shared with us her own story- a beautiful, encouraging one. This style clinic workshop gave me a new perspective to the way I see fashion- so with that being said, I will start expressing through dressing.
Now that the event was finally over, the song “Candy” was blasted and without hesitation I slowly made my way to the dance floor; a litle two step never hurt anyone. Overall, the event was amazing in countless ways. I left the place with new contacts, a goodie bag and even better: a vision! I am thankful to the team that brought this vision to life with their dedication, coordination and unity. Having the privilege of witnessing behind the scenes was an unforgettable experience. Will I be there at the vision board party 2026? Say less. Selah.